
发布时间:2015年6月17日 9:46:21   浏览:2411   字体大小:

  • ★ 移动虚拟网

    Mobile virtual networ



    Free calls within the virtual network, the establishment of virtual network for enterprise fixed telephone and mobile phone.


    ★ 智能管理系统

    Intelligent management system



    Offer the enterprise with one-card-through intelligent management system which can works at following items: attendance check, entrance guard system, parking lot, patrol system and consumption.


    ★ 综合布线系统

    Premise distribution system



    Provide for the enterprise with design plan and consultation service.


    ★ 网络视频安防监控系统

    Video surveillance and control system



    Multiple point access and all the points can be controlled by the Tele eye management platform; with a computer connected with internet, wherever we are, we can watch the monitory points through the internet browser conveniently.


    ★ 协同办公系统

    Coordination office system



    a unified communication for enterprise with services of communication, enterprise mailbox, mobile OA, smart phone, teleconference, video conference, group SMS send , network facsimile, audio business card, CRBT(color ring back tone)for the group and mobile website with rich text and graphics.


    ★ 固定电话资费

    The fee for fixed telephone



    The flat cost, installation cost and monthly fee will be free; you will have 50% discount in the telephone fee.


    ★ 家庭宽带:600元/2年
      Household broadband: 600 yuan for 2 years



      4M internet access fiber for enterprise: 3900 yuan for 1 year



      10M internet access fiber for enterprise: 6000 yuan for 1 year(Include 3 free fixed IP addresses)



      100M internet access fiber for enterprise: 30000 yuan for 1 year(Include multiple fixed IP addresses)

安吉县招商局 版权所有

地址:安吉县昌硕街道灵芝西路1号安吉县行政中心新档案楼2楼 电话:0572-5323203 邮箱:info@anjiinvest.com

技术支持:安信信息有限公司 / 平台推广: