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  •   安吉生态环境优美,人文底蕴深厚,经济社会协调发展,是长三角地区一个极具特色的县。安吉建县于公元185年,名取《诗经》“安且吉兮”之意,至今已有1800多年历史。全县总面积1886平方公里,常住人口46万,辖13个乡镇(开发区),是著名的中国竹乡。从2008年起,安吉以“村村优美、家家创业、处处和谐、人人幸福”为总体目标,创新开展中国美丽乡村建设,美丽乡村建设经验全省推广,成为全省战略。全力打造长三角新农村建设示范区。美丽乡村覆盖面达到85%以上,呈现出一村一品、一村一韵、一村一景的大格局。目前,安吉按照优雅竹城,风情小镇、美丽乡村三级联动、立体推进模式,加快建设县域大景区。


    Anji is an ecologically graceful and deeply civilized, with social life harmonized and very specialized country. Anji country was built in 185AD, its name came from “the Book of Songs”, means “safe and lucky”, it has a history of more than 1800 years. Total coverage area of Anji is 1886 square kilometers with 460 thousand permanent population and 13 countries and villages( development zones). Anji is famous for growing bamboo and is named as China Bamboo Hometown. Since 2008, Anji has been taking “ every village is beautiful, every family carve out, everywhere is in harmony, everyone is happy” as overall objects, and has been devoting to China beautiful country construction which has been promoted as a provincial strategy. Anji has also been trying to make itself be constructed into a demonstration area for the whole Yangtze River delta rural construction. Till now , the ecological area has covered more than 85%, and has formed a “ one village one product, one village one charm, one village one scene” pattern. Recently, Anji is speeding its construction step according to such pattern as “graceful bamboo city, amorous town, scenery country three-level linked and three-dimensional promotion” .

安吉县招商局 版权所有

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